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Originally delivered on 7/28/2020 7:46 am

SUBJECT: Principal's Post: Austin Digital Device Survey

Austin Digital Device Survey

Hello Austin Family,

In preparation for Virtual Learning, please complete the Digital Device Survey below. Please indicate whether or not you are in “need” of a device for your child. Please submit one survey for each child you have at Austin. 

We ask the following: 

  1. That a survey is completed for each child even if you do not need a device. We would love to get to a survey response rate of 100% so that we can plan accordingly.
  2. That if you are in need of a device that this survey is signed by a parent or guardian listed on the student’s Infinite Campus account. This device will also need to be picked up by a parent or guardian listed on the student’s Infinite Campus account. So for example it could be signed for by dad and picked up by mom. A schedule will be forthcoming for pick up.

Thank you, 

Dr. Ann Culbreath